by Riccardo Cassini
Once upon a time, many many many, ma ‘na cifra of many
years ago, at the beginning of the initiation of the mond,
there was the caos.
One day, God (God is the nome d’art of Dio), who was
disoccuped, had a folgorant idea and so God created the Nutell.
And God saw that the Nutell was good. very good,
very very good, good ‘na cifra.
The mangiation of God was long, he manged one million of
barattols of Nutell sfrutting the fact that God has not
a Mamm that strills if you sbaf too much Nutell…
And after this magiation, God invented the Water Closed Run,
the cors in the cabinet, and some Nutell’s derivates like
the red bubbons, the panz, the cellulit and ceter and ceter.
n capisc nend
Very bello ma I già know this
io cn la nutel ce god più che na’ cifr..picchè so che dop non me vengan i bubbons!..nutell è la mi drrogg.
good good nutell………
good nutell, very good nutell!